Saturday, July 15, 2006

Not another _____ post

Hello blogging world! I have finally succumbed to enticing examples of my sisters and parents. I have decided to start a blog. Then I was faced with a significant dilemma. What would I name said blog. I decided that the name of my blog should reflect who I am and what is most important to me. But I am so many things.

Without further ado, I will relieve the fears of my parents and sisters that the title of my blog involves edited swearing. It does not. I have been participating in the Blog world as a spectator for five years now and have noticed that most blogs try to marry themselves to one topic. Sometimes they are successful and sometimes they are not. Either way, it seems obvious to me that the chosen topic of the blog does not wholly identify or define the blogger.

As I said, I am many different things

I have a family that I love very much. My sweet wife and I are very excited to expand our little family (no. Not an announcement), and hopefully do nearly as wonderful a job with it as our parents did. But this is not another family blog.

I love this country and what it stands for and what it will accomplish, but this is not another Patriotic blog.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served a full-time mission for the church. I have a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the teachings of the church and of my Savior's love for me. But this is not another Mormon, Christian, or Missionary blog.

I speak fluent Spanish, having served the above-mentioned mission in Argentina, but this is not a Spanish as a Second Language, or Latin-American Facts blog.

I feel very strongly about many political issues, but this is not another Political blog.

I am in the final stages of the application process for the United States Border Patrol, and I anticipate a long and honorable career in federal law enforcement, but this is not another Border Patrol, Law Enforcement, or Immigration blog.

I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and plan on a masters in something more specifically law enforcement related, but this is not another Psychology, or Higher Education blog.

I enjoy firearms. I enjoy hunting and target shooting. I gain an enormous amount of satisfaction from nailing a target and teaching others to do the same. I legally carry a concealed weapon, hoping sincerely to never need it, but valuing the safety of my family and those around me as worthy of the inconvenience and added accountability. But this is not another Gun, Self-Defense, or Packing blog.

I think I can be funny sometimes, but this is not another Humor blog.

I love computers. I built the computer I am typing on, but this is not another technology, hardware or software blog.

I am currently working for a mason as a Hod-carrier. It is an extremely physically hard and dirty job, but this is not another Hard Work Builds Character, or Masonry blog.

The list goes on and on, but I will spare your eyes and your exasperated sighs (did I mention I could rhyme?). I have so many things that are important to me, and have started this blog in dedication to all of them and to none of them. It is quite possible that some, all, or none of the above-mentioned aspects of who I am will be the topic of posts on this blog. I reserve the right to post what I will and will try to do so with regularity. I hope that my family, current friends, friends that I will make through this blog, and someday my children will know me better because of it.

My name is Adam and this is not another ______ blog.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Papa said...

So..... It's a ryhming blog. Thats the only thing you said you could do that you didn't rule out. Thought you could fool me didn't you.

Yay!!!!! I'm first commenter, ever!!!!

At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang! I wanted to be your first commenter ever. Dang. I'm excited to have this as another way to keep in touch with you. I like the title, and I love the picture of you in the first post! :)

Love you.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Grammy said...

Yeah You! Welcome to the blog world. I look forward to reading your stuff. Did I mention that I love you? Oh, you probably already knew that.

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the concept. Thinking of a good a blog hook and then breaking it down coherently is tough. Well done.

Hod "carrier" just doesn't have enough oomph, by the way. The guys who do the sweaty, back-breaking labor at Kennecott are called rod busters (I forget what the derivation is). I think you should call yourself a hod buster. Sounds much more like something that Rocky would be doing to make ends meet and train for boxing matches at the same time.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the picture Adam!!! You must have an AWESOME photographer.:) I cannot wait to read everything else you will post and I am so glad you're going to write about what YOU want to write about. Love you!

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Thanks for the comments. I love all you guys.

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam, You're so awesome. I'm so excited to get to read your blog


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