Sunday, August 20, 2006

For My Kids. Choosing to be happy

This post is not an announcement. I have come to realize that my children and grandchildren may not be overly excited to read 48 million posts about masonry and steak. I do however sometimes learn things about life. "For My Kids" is a post category that will contain words of what little wisdom I posses, should my progeny ever have the time to read this site.

A few months ago, your mother and I were called upon to speak in church. I was given my choice and therefore chose to speak on the importance of agency in our Heavenly Father's plan. I love that talk and you Young ones will, no doubt, be sick of it by the time you have the chance to read this site. Your mother however spoke on a specific choice that we have every day. She titled her talk, "We can choose to be happy."

You will surely know, having grown up in her house, that your mother has taken this message to heart in an awe-inspiring way. This weekend I was reminded of it again as we took a float trip that involved much disembarking to push our raft off of the rocks that were quite prevalent on the river this late in the season. With every skinned knee, twisted ankle, and bashed toe that were the inevitable results of this difficult float, Grandma and Grandpa Price, Aunt Kristy and your father were upheld and uplifted by the indominable spirit of your mother.

The lesson to be learned is this. When times are tough, we can choose to be happy. In our case, the best way to do that is find your Mom. She will always make everything better.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger Kathryn Thompson said...

Their mom is the best. And I whole-heartedly agree with this post.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Grammy said...

Yes, she is the wonderfulest - always positive! And somehow, she seems to make everyone happier along with her. I just hope it's not too big a burden for one woman to carry. Luckily for us all, Lisa has you to help with the job. And lucky for us all, it seems to be working fine!

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so true. She makes us all happy. She is an inspiration!


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